OMG YOU GUYS!!! My dreams have come true. You don’t understand. I JUST wrote a blog about this very topic THE OTHER DAY (literally) and I cannot express how excited I am that this is officially official. I might pee my pants. Oh wait, I just did. Someone get me a diaper. Okay, I’ve enjoyed my little tantrum, “diaper baby” (anyone? no? okay…)


Wreck-it Ralph 2 is set to be released on March 9, 2018. John C. Reilly & Sarah Silverman are both already confirmed to come back to provide the voice talent for the dynamic duo, Ralph and Vanellope. Not much has been said about the actual plot of the sequel, except that Ralph dives into the digital world along with Vanellope. In the sequel, Ralph is on a quest through the internet to become a hero once again, but ends up wrecking everything, in true Ralph-fashion. The first piece of concept art was also released today, which shows the two standing amongst parodies of Google, Amazon, and other famous internet icons:

wir 2!!!!!.jpg

Rich Moore will also be back co-directing the Wreck-it Ralph sequel, alongside Phil Johnson, director of Frozen. Both Moore and Johnson have seen huge successes and billions of dollar with the Frozen film and short, as well as with Moore’s latest work in Zootopia, which also made billions in the box offices. 

Guys, I am just so dang excited… I don’t really have much else to say, aside from being a little A LOT creeped out that I just blogged about this topic a few days ago! Seriously, I might be a psychic now… I am just so in love with this movie and I am SO, SO, SO THRILLED that the sequel is just under 2 years away. I will update you with any further concept art, story boarding, or plot line that gets released, of course! Stay tuned for more info about Wreck-it Ralph 2 (*squee!*)

Read the official article that explains the Wreck-it Ralph 2 release!

My eerily significant blog that I wrote prior to the official release!

My Vanellope von Schweetz Cosplay Tutorial link!